chani testimonial

Video Testimonial

When Yitzie and I decided we will be having our wedding in Israel I really didn’t know where to start, venues would not even call me back and it was pretty much impossible to get a hold of anyone, I am assuming the time difference was making it hard.

I was extremely stressed as we were only 3 months away from the wedding and we still had nothing, until one day my dad called me and said he had found the solution to all our problems.  Her name was Natalie. 

From day one I was pleasantly surprised at how warm Natalie was, I really felt like I already had a friend by my side in Israel.  Natalie asked me for some basic information about what I would like my wedding to be like, and less then a week later we had a venue booked.  With 2 months left until the wedding, we were in touch on a weekly basis finalizing the smaller details.

We ended up having a wedding with one of the most amazing bands Israel has got to offer thanks to Natalie’s recommendation – until today people that were at the wedding and people that just saw videos can not stop raving about the band.

All the small details that Natalie thought of, that never even crossed my mind made the wedding look like it was out of a magazine shoot. Everything from the AMAZING chupa she worked hard with the florist to create to the beautiful fans she had put out for the outdoor chupa – when I arrived at the venue at my wedding day I literally could not believe that all that was for me – because I honestly could not have created such a perfect scene on my own.

I must say one more thing – I arrived in Israel 3 days before my wedding, needless to say I was extremly nervous and stressed – the day we landed I got a knock at my door and it was Natalie – I cant express enough how calming it was to see a friendly face and just chat and get to know each other – she went over all the final details and had a play by play of the wedding day for me.  Thats when I realized  – I really have nothing to do. 

Thank you so much for a once in a lifetime magical event – and I can truly say that it was not only a pleasure working with you but im glad that I made a friend for life.